2023 Highway Program Call for Projects

The San Mateo County Transportation Authority (TA) is pleased to announce the Measure A and W Highway Program 2023 Call for Projects. The focus of the program is to reduce traffic congestion and improve throughput and safety on the most critical commute corridors. Up to $100 million may be made available for projects that best meet the program evaluation criteria.



The Call for Projects materials consists of the program guidelines, an application form, and a sample resolution,. These documents and other related reference materials, including template funding agreements, can be found below.



There is a 2023 Highway Program Call for Projects Workshop scheduled for July 11, 2023. For more information and to RSVP, please visit the link below:

Click here to register for the workshop


Call for Projects Issued 

July 5, 2023

Call for Projects Workshop: Virtual via Zoom (will be recorded)

July 11, 2023

Notify TA of Intent to Submit

July 28, 2023

Early Submittal Reviews due

August 4, 2023

Project Applications due

August 25, 2023

Evaluation Period

September/October 2023

Informational item to TA Board on Draft Program of Projects

November 2, 2023

TA Board approves proposed Program of Projects

December 7, 2023



The 2023 Highway Program Call for Projects is based on the guidance adopted in the 2021-2030 SRHP and CIP. This includes a set aside of up to 40% of available funds specifically for projects of countywide significance which can be split between both Measure A and Measure W fund sources. 

Funding Track

Available funds

Eligible Projects

Measure A:  (KCA & SR)                             


$80 million

KCA: $50.4m

SR: $29.6m

KCA and SR projects identified in the 2004 TEP.  Additional SR projects not included in the 2004 TEP may also be added (see eligibility section).

Measure W


$20 million

Eligible candidate projects will be focused on highway and interchange facilities, including Highway 101, Highway 280, and other highways and their interchanges. Eligible candidate projects can include bicycle and pedestrian components or facilities that are incorporated into and enhance safety for a larger highway or interchange project.


$100 million



Application Instruction

Step 1 - Notice of Intent to Submit: Sponsors must fill out the notice of intent to submit survey using the link below with the project name and sponsor agency information by July 28, 2023. This will be used to set up a Dropbox account for submission of all materials. Additionally, sponsors should indicate any assistance needed from the Transportation Authority either related to the application or regarding the implementation of the proposed project. Please note that changes to the details provided are allowable in the submitted application from the Sponsor Agency. If a sponsor does not indicate an intent to submit by the requested timeline, sponsors may be allowed to submit an application but will need to request a Dropbox for submittal as soon as possible before the application due date.

Click here for the Notice of Intent Survey Link

Step 2 - Early Submittal Reviews: TA staff will provide an early submission review of application narratives and metrics from August 4-18, 2023 and will be available to meet with applicants to discuss questions relating to the review if necessary. This is not required but is being offered to help agencies respond to all TA Strategic Plan evaluation criteria.

Step 3 - Submitting Applications: Sponsors must submit one electronic copy of the completed application with all required attachments by uploading all materials to a specific Dropbox link that will be provided. Completed applications must be received no later than August 25, 2023 by 4:00 PM. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. It is the sponsor’s responsibility to check with TA staff to confirm the receipt of applications prior to the submission deadline.





For general application questions, including receipt of applications, information on prior Measure A and Measure W funding allocations and clarifications on the description of listed candidate projects, contact:

Patrick Gilster, at gilsterp@samtrans.com or (650) 622-7853