SMCTA Strategic Plan Update (2025-2029)

San Mateo County Transportation Authority (the TA) updates its Strategic Plan every five years to provide a policy framework for the implementation of Measure A and W transportation sales tax measures. The current Strategic Plan (2020-2024) is set to expire by the end of this year. To help prepare the next Strategic Plan for 2025-2029, we would like to understand how we should prioritize funding for the selection of transportation projects proposed by the county, cities, or towns (also known as sponsors).   


Frequently Asked Questions

Project Overview  

The Strategic Plan is a five-year plan that identifies the policies, procedures, and methods for effectively administering funds generated from Measure A and 50 percent of funds from Measure W sales taxes.   

The Strategic Plan update intends to ensure alignment with community needs and evolving priorities, facilitating efficient and impactful resource allocation. Community input will help shape how funding is given out and where TA staff can focus our technical assistance programs over the next five years.   

Why is the TA updating its Strategic plan?  

The Strategic Plan update is a chance for the TA to look back on achievements in six key funding areas covered by Measure A and W. These funding areas include:  

  • Grade separations  

  • Highways  

  • Local streets  

  • Pedestrian and bicycles  

  • Transit  

  • Transportation demand management  

The TA is excited to work with agency committees, county partners, cities, towns and the public to learn how to prioritize funding allocation, expedite the administration of funds, and how to improve technical assistance offerings for project implementation.   


The Strategic Plan Update kicked off in January 2024 and is anticipated to be completed by the end of the year.   

Timeline Strategic Plan 2025-2029


The 2025-2029 TA Strategic Plan aims to improve transportation in San Mateo County through the following objectives:  

  • Project Evaluation: Asses the progress of funded and completed projects from 2020-2024 and highlight notable achievements.  

  • Stakeholder Engagement: Ask stakeholders and city/town sponsors for input on how to improve internal processes, how to support partner agencies, and plan for technical assistance.  

  • Optimize Grant Funding: Ensure evaluation criteria for projects are strategically aligned with state and federal funding opportunities.   

  • Integration of Planning Policy: Integrate individual planning initiatives, such as the Short-Range Highway Plan and Alternative Congestion strategies, into a cohesive Strategic Plan for San Mateo County.  

Get more information  

  • For more information on Measure A and W visit our website here.  

  • Review the current Strategic Plan (2020-2024) here.  

How to get involved  

  • Your input matters!  Come be a part of our virtual community workshop! Share your thoughts, hear key findings, and learn about proposed policy changes in the 2025-2029 Strategic Plan update. (Date to be announced).