Other Funding Opportunities

The San Mateo County Transportation Authority is making every effort to share information on external funding opportunities. Check out available grants and funding, deadlines, and more details below.
Federal Highway Administration Large Bridge Project Grant Funding (Federal Funding)

View deadlines below | Learn more and apply

The Bridge Investment Program (BIP) provides funding for bridge replacement, rehabilitation, preservation, and protection projects that reduce the number of bridges in poor condition, or in fair condition at risk of declining into poor condition.  

The Bridge Investment Program was established by the President’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which makes the single largest dedicated investment in bridges since the construction of the Interstate highway system: a total of $40 billion over 5 years to help ensure that some of the nation’s most important bridges remain safe and operational, meet current and future traveler needs, support local economies, strengthen our supply chains, and create good-paying jobs across the country.

The Bridge Investment Program (BIP) has three categories of awards, each requiring a separate application:

  • Planning Level Projects
  • Bridge Projects (<$100 million)
  • Large Bridge Projects (>$100 million)

The deadlines for applications to be submitted are:

  • August 1, 2024, for consideration of FY 2025 funds.
  • August 1, 2025, for consideration of FY 2026 funds.

Eligible Applicants: State Governments; Local Governments; Federally Recognized Tribes and Affiliated Groups; Planning and Project Organizations; U.S. Territories


      The Metropolitan Transportation Commission approved the final guidelines for the Regional Measure 3 (RM3) Safe Routes to Transit and Bay Trail Program (SR2TBT) and authorized the call for projects on June 26, 2024. The first cycle of the SR2TBT program covers four fiscal years from 2024/25 through 2027/28, with a base funding amount of $50 million available for programming and an optional $25 million for a transformative active transportation project.

      Interested applicants in the first cycle of the SR2TBT program should review the final guidelines.

      MTC’s SR2TBT Project Application

      1. Applicants applying for competitive SR2TBT funds must submit the online application and supporting documentation to MTC.
      2. The online SR2TBT project application is available at: www.surveymonkey.com/r/SR2TBTProgramApplication
      3. To be considered, MTC must receive the online application by October 14, 2024.